Delivery Time

All items in the store may take 1 to 3 business days to process. Please add processing time to your shipping estimate below.

Here is an estimate of the shipping times. Due to factors that often affect international shipments, such as holidays, customs, and weather delays, we can only offer an estimate of shipping times.


The sample and tiny orders can be produced with International Express delivery to your home, shipping time depends on the shipping way you choose.


We can supply multiple shipping options.


For regular operation, the shipping time is as below:


US:6-12 working days

CA:8-15 working days

AU:6-10 working days

UK:6-10 working days


For a quick option, the shipping time is as below:

US:5-8 working days

CA:8-10 working days

AU:5-7 working days

UK:3-8 working days


Different prices for different shipping times.

For more shipping info please refer to our shipping pages.